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19,99 USD
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The complete web developer

Специальные условия для dev.Курсы
Навыки, которые вы получите:
PHP MySQL Jquery Web-разработка Bootstrap Web development HTML5 CSS3 Python

Sign up to The Complete Web Developers Course today and revolutionise your learning. Effortlessly embed the fundamentals. Refresh your groundwork. Dig deeper than ever. Start building powerful apps and cash-earning websites today—and enjoy bigger, brighter opportunities.

The Program 

  1. Getting Started. 
  2. HTML5. 
  3. CCS3. 
  4. JavaScript.
  5. jQuery.
  6. Bootstrap 4.
  7. Wordpress.
  8. Important: A note about X Theme and the next lecture.
  9. How To Get $10 Off X Theme.
  10. PHP.
  11. MySQL.
  12. APIs.
  13. Mobile Apps.
  14. HTML 5 & CSS 3 Special Features.
  15. Python.
  16. Bonus Section: Twitter Clone Using MVC.

What will you learn

  • Will know how does the web works?
  • HTML.
  • CSS.
  • Javascript.
  • jQuery.
  • CMSs and WordPress.
  • Responsive Design.
  • PHP Coding.
  • MySQL Databases.
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