The University of Geneva

Specialization investment management

Высший рейтинг на Coursera
В любой момент
5 месяцев
Стоимость курса
49 USD/мес.
Подробности и регистрация

Specialization investment management

Высший рейтинг на Coursera
Навыки, которые вы получите:
Financial markets Investment Risk management Финансы Portfolio construction

In this Specialization, you will understand how investment strategies are designed to reach financial goals in a global context. You will learn the theory that underlies strong investment decisions, as well as practical, real-world skills that you can apply when discussing investment proposals with your advisor, managing your personal assets or your client’s investment portfolio. 

The Program 

  1. Understanding Financial Markets
    In this course, you will learn what the main financial markets and their characteristics are as well as how they are linked to the economy.
  2. Meeting Investors' Goals
    In this course, you will dive into the concepts of rationality and irrationality and understand how they impact our investment decisions and what the consequences can be at the market level.
  3. Portfolio and Risk Management
    In this course, you will gain an understanding of the theory underlying optimal portfolio construction, the different ways portfolios are actually built in practice and how to measure and manage the risk of such portfolios.
  4. Securing Investment Returns in the Long Run
    In this course, you will learn about the famous dichotomy between active and passive investing, how to appropriately measure and analyze investment performance and what the future trends in the investment management
  5. Planning your Client’s Wealth over a 5-year Horizon
    In this Capstone project, you will have to choose between three different characters (each with a unique set of financial constraints and objectives) and design an appropriate wealth plan for them over the next 5 years.
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