Ben Tristem
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27,5 часов
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129,99 USD
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RPG Core Combat Creator: Learn Intermediate Unity C# Coding

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Навыки, которые вы получите:
Unity C# Game design Разработка игр

In this course we’re focusing on the core of any great RPG, giving your players a fun combat moment in a well crafted level, based upon a solid game design, built using a robust code architecture. You will follow our project, but also make the game entirely your own.

Necessary preparation

  • You should be able to write basic C# (loops, conditionals, components, etc).
  • Some familiarity with Unity’s APIs is helpful.
  • You should know your way round Unity 5's editor.

For those who want to

  • This course is for intermediate Unity users who want to create their own RPG.
  • Our Complete Unity Developer course provides the perfect pre-requisite.

The Program

  1. Introduction & Setup.
  2. Basic Movement.
  3. High Level Game Desing.
  4. Dasic Combat.
  5. Enemy Al.
  6. First Moment.
  7. Scene Management.
  8. Saving Asset Pack.
  9. Saving System.
  10. Simple Weapons.

What will you learn

  • Create core combat mechanics for melee, ranged and special attacks.
  • More advanced C# techniques such as interfaces, delegates, and co-routines.
  • Create pathfinding systems and patrol paths for enemies and NPCs.
  • Make a detailed level with terrain, enemies, triggers, lighting, particles and props.
  • Balance the player and enemy stats (eg. health, damage, movement, attack speed, and more).
  • Advanced game design, project management and code architecture strategies.
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