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Python for Data Engineering: Fundamentals Part II

Навыки, которые вы получите:
Data engineer Jupyter Python

Dive into the world of Python data engineering with this continuing fundamentals course. This course will build on your existing knowledge of data engineering. Once you’ve completed this course, you’ll have mastered the basics. From there, you can implement what you learned in the real world or continue on to additional intermediate or advanced courses.

This course focuses on the following:

  • Refining fundamental Python knowledge for data engineering
  • Introducing basic Python concepts like dictionaries, functions, and default arguments
  • Building proficiency in the use of Jupyter Notebook
  • Practical application of your newly acquired data skills in a data project for your portfolio

The Program

  1. Dictionaries.
  2. Functions: Fundamentals.
  3. Functions: Intermediate.
  4. Project: Learn and Install Jupyter Notebook.
  5. Guided Project: Profitable App Profiles for the App Store and Google Play Markets.

What will you learn

  • How to сreate and update dictionaries.
  • How to employ Jupyter Notebook.
  • How to create your own functions.
  • How to build a portfolio project.
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