Todd Birzer
В любой момент
5 часов
Стоимость курса
24,99 USD
Подробности и регистрация

Product management 101

Навыки, которые вы получите:
Product analytics Product management OKR Market analysis Market intelligence Lifecycle management

The goal of Product Management 101 is to help you become a more strategic product manager — with a greater impact on your company and its future product portfolio.

We will cover the spectrum of product management work from market intelligence, strategy, new product development, and lifecycle management. We will step through best practices for working with development teams to create market-leading, breakthrough products. We will look at how to best position, price and manage these products in the market as part of our section on lifecycle management (i.e. product marketing).

This course has been designed for product managers with 0-5 years of experience, who work with engineers (software developers, hardware developers, scientists, etc.) to develop next generation products.

Product Management 101 can help you meet the fundamental purpose of product management: to manage the full lifecycle of products and services to create exceptional customer value, generate long-term competitive advantage, and deliver year-after-year profitability.

Who is this course for

  • Product managers with 0-5 years of experience.
  • Product managers who work with engineering teams (software developers, hardware developers, scientists, etc.) to develop next generation products.

The Program 

  1. Introduction.
  2. Market intelligence.
  3. Strategy.
  4. New product development. 
  5. Lifecycle management.
  6. Wrap-up.

What you will learn 

  • Learn to become a more strategic product manager, with a much greater impact on your company and its products.
  • Learn the best practices for the work of product management — spanning market intelligence, strategy, new product development and lifecycle management.
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