Навыки, которые вы получите:
Web development
Learn from Scratch,Master and become a NodeJS developer by building RESTful API’s and many more.
The Program
- Introduction to NodeJs.
- Installation of NodeJs in your Environment.
- Hello world with NodeJs.
- Creating a Nodejs Application.
- Require and Exports Objects.
- Global Objects.
- All about NPM.
- File system module.
- Creating a server in Nodejs Application.
- Blocking and Non-blocking I/O.
- Sync and Async Functions.
- Introduction to ExpressJs.
- Installing and creating using ExpressJs.
- Handling request and response.
- Nodemon Installation.
- Working with Routes.
- Routes with Parameters.
- Introduction to REST API.
- Get request method.
- Post request method.
- Responding with HTML files.
- Processing POST request by using bodyParser.
- Using static files.
- Middlewares.
- EJS Template engine.
- Introduction to MongoDB.
- Installation of MongoDB.
- Getting started with MongoShell.
- Getting started with MongoCompass.
- Introduction to mongoose.
- Reading from database with mongoose.
- Updating and Deleting data with mongoose.
- Validating the data with mongoose.
- Introduction to Pizzastore project.
- Setting up the project by adding all files.
- 1st Part — Designing pages of PizzaStore.
- 2nd Part — Designing pages of PizzaStore.
- Connecting database to our project.
- Finishing up the project.