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Graphic design in Figma

Навыки, которые вы получите:
Graphics Photoshop Adobe after effects Figma Adobe InDesign Типографика Graphic design

Learning graphic design in Figma is very intuitive and can save you a lot of time because working with this software makes the designing process quick, fun, and very efficient, plus, you can collaborate online with other people very easily.

This course is for beginners who want to start creating cool designs in Figma. You will learn how the Figma UI (user interface) works and the lessons will cover all the basic tools for starting to design in Figma.

Don’t waste your money, time, and energy on slow design software — learn to use Figma as soon as possible.

The Program

  1. Introduction to Figma.
  2. The Design Tools.
  3. Design an Instagram Story.
  4. Design a Facebook/Instagram post.

What will you learn

  • Create different shapes.
  • Simple design principles.
  • Create and modify text.
  • Design a simple character.
  • Import and modify images.
  • Design an Instagram Story.
  • Design an Instagram or Facebook post.
  • Create teams, projects, files, pages, and frames.
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