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Learn Git & GitHub

Навыки, которые вы получите:
Git GitHub Web development

This course is a great introduction to how Git and GitHub work. We’ll cover the most commonly used Git commands, the relationship between Git and GitHub, and how to collaborate with other developers using these powerful version control and remote hosting tools. We will also introduce GitHub features that are helpful for teams and enterprises.

The Program 

  1. Introduction: Git & GitHub.
  2. Basic Git Workflow.
  3. Important Git Operations.
  4. Introduction to GitHub.
  5. GitHub & Markdown.
  6. Git Branching.
  7. Git Teamwork.
  8. Deploying Websites using Git and GitHub.
  9. Best Practices for GitHub Repositories.
  10. Collaborating with the GitHub Community.
  11. GitHub Features: Issues, CLI, & Actions.
  12. Review: Learn Git & GitHub.

What will you learn 

  • Different ways to undo changes made to a Git project and when to use them.
  • The Markdown formatting language, used on GitHub and many other platforms.
  • How to Manage Multiple Versions of a Project with Branching.
  • How to manage your GitHub repository when more people start joining your team.
  • How to access all that the GitHub community offers, and how to be a contributor yourself.
  • About a handful of GitHub features for intermediate to advanced users.
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