The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
В любой момент
15 часов
Стоимость курса
79 USD/мес.
Подробности и регистрация

Introduction to Business Analytics: Communicating with Data

Навыки, которые вы получите:
Analytics Exploratory data analysis

This course introduces students to the science of business analytics while casting a keen eye toward the artful use of numbers found in the digital space. The goal is to provide businesses and managers with the foundation needed to apply data analytics to real-world challenges they confront daily in their professional lives. Students will learn to identify the ideal analytic tool for their specific needs; understand valid and reliable ways to collect, analyze, and visualize data; and utilize data in decision making for their agencies, organizations or clients.

The Program

  1. Module 1: Pictures You See with Your Brain.
  2. Module 2: Working Fast and Thinking Slow.
  3. Module 3: Finding Your Data Story.
  4. Module 4: Getting Your Story Across.

What will you learn

  • The history of data visualizaiton, understand today’s dataviz tools, make connections with visuals, and evaluate the effectiveness of data visualizations.
  • An approach to finding patterns in data through visualization.
  • How charts can be used to communicate messages that can be conceptual or data driven and declarative or exploratory. 
  • How to use different charting techniques to reveal data patterns.
  • How to match the appropriate visual technique to the ideas we hope to expose and etc. 
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