
Digital Marketing

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Digital Marketing

Специальные условия для dev.Курсы
Навыки, которые вы получите:
SMM Marketing Email marketing Social media Digital marketing

The world of marketing is evolving at a rapid pace, with the introduction of digital marketing regularly introducing new channels and services — increasing the opportunities you have for business exposure and customer engagement. It’s a difficult world to navigate even for the most experienced marketers, so this course is the perfect introduction and overview to digital marketing. We’ll be exploring the following aspects to help you gain the confidence you need to become a successful digital marketer.

The Program

  1. IntroductionWhat is Digital Marketing?
  2. The digital marketing journey.
  3. Building the buyer journey.
  4. Applying the AIDA Model.
  5. Personalising the buyer journey.
  6. Paid Advertising.
  7. Budgeting for Paid Advertising.
  8. The role of Social Media.
  9. Effective Email Marketing.

What will you learn

  • Understanding the buyer journey.
  • The AIDA model.
  • Personalising your marketing.
  • Paid advertising essentials.
  • Creating an advertising budget.
  • Growing your business with social media.
  • Selecting the right marketing channels.
  • Effective email marketing.
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