23 февраля 2022
2 месяца
Стоимость курса
399 USD/month
Подробности и регистрация

Become an AI Product manager

Навыки, которые вы получите:
Product management Dataset Prototyping a product

You’ll learn how to evaluate the business value of an AI product. You’ll start by building familiarity and fluency with common AI concepts. You’ll then learn how to scope and build a data set, train a model, and evaluate its business impact. Finally, you’ll learn how to ensure a product is successful by focusing on scalability, potential biases, and compliance. Along the way, you’ll review case studies and examples to help you focus on how to define metrics to measure the business value for a proposed product.

The Program 

  1. Introduction to AI in business.
  2. Creating a dataset.
  3. Building a model.
  4. Measuring impact and updating models.

What will you learn

  • Gain foundational knowledge of AI and machine learning, how to develop a business case for an AI application, and how and when to use AI in a product.
  • A high-quality training data set is essential for machine learning models. Learn how to create a high-quality dataset, including how well the data fits a particular use case.
  • Learn how a neural network produces a decision and how «training» works. You’ll also learn how to use training data and how to evaluate the results of a model.
  • Learn how to measure post-deployment impact, and how to make data-informed improvements on your model. You’ll also learn how to avoid unwanted bias, ensure security and compliance, and how to scale your product.
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