Навыки, которые вы получите:
Machine learning
Data science
Regular expression
Natural language processing (NLP) is all about how computers work with human language. From your virtual assistant recommending a restaurant to that terrible autocorrect you sent your cousin, the field is a rapidly growing presence in our lives. Don’t just use NLP tools — make them!
For those who want to
- Understand how computers work with human language.
- Learn techniques and libraries for data analysis.
- Create natural language processing tools.
The Program
- Welcome to the Natural Language Processing Skill Path.
- Getting Started with Natural Language Processing.
- Text Preprocessing.
- Language Parsing.
- Language Quantification.
- Text Generation.
- NLP Portfolio Project.
- Next Steps.
What will you learn
- Use language parsing tactics to find meaning and insights in text.
- Learn about different methods for generating text.
- Learn about neural networks commonly used in NLP work.