University of California, Irvine
В любой момент
6 месяцев
Стоимость курса
60 EUR
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Specialization Academic English: Writing

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Навыки, которые вы получите:
Email writing Writing Grammar Communication Punctuation Essay Creative writing

The skills taught in this Specialization will empower you to succeed in any college-level course or professional field. You’ll learn to conduct rigorous academic research and to express your ideas clearly in an academic format. In the final Capstone Project, all the knowledge that you’ve gained over the span of these courses will culminate into an academic research paper on an issue of your choice. 

There are 5 сourses in this Specialization

  1. Grammar and Punctuation.
  2. Getting Started with Essay Writing.
  3. Advanced Writing.
  4. Introduction to Research for Essay Writing.
  5. Project: Writing a Research Paper.
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